Scorpio Season Stack

Quadrum Curated

Undeniably intense and deeply alluring, the sensual Scorpio is a water sign that knows how to get the fire started. Ravish yourself in the dark red of the ruby, delicately dressed in lacy gold luxe. Burn away all pretense in the smoldering flames of diamond starlight and get right to the core of your most profound fantasies and desires. Still waters run deep within this steadfast, sultry fixed sun sign, where even in the blackest caverns of the soul, there exists a glow so uniquely magnetic you’ll always find your way back to the light.

To shop these bracelets individually:

Silver Timeless Hinged Bangle - Kate Maller

Single Confetti Unity Bracelet in Black Gold - Paul Morelli

Floral Ruby Cluster Station Bracelet - Adele Chefridi

Faceted Double Garnet Beaded Bracelet - Margaret Solow

Ruby Textile Station Bracelet - Amali

Kite Shaped Diamond Station Chain Bracelet - Diana Mitchell

Black Diamond Eloise Tennis Bracelet - Sethi Couture 

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